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Lecture on Leadership Skills By Mr Abdullah Hasan

It was a packed day on Saturday 23rd April 2016 with 3 different events at 3 different locations on the same day. I was fortunate to be a part of all 3 events. We had the Job Drive at Andheri West from 10am till 2pm where we had around 5 companies and approx. 100 candidates. A few on the spot offers as well. Then we had a motivational lecture by Mr. Abdulla Hasan Thakur for D.Ed. students at Anjuman Khairul Islam from 3:30pm to 4:30pm. Which was enthusiastically lapped up by the students, teachers and the principal who were very warm, cordial and welcoming in their approach. Then we had the program for AMP members and acquaintances at Anjuman I Islam, CST which was addressed by Mr. Abdulla Hasan Thakur who spoke about Leadership which was well-taken by the audience and Mr. Aamir Edresy, President- AMP who briefed  the gathering about AMP Projects including the AMP Zakat Fund which was well-appreciated by the people who wholeheartedly volunteered their support for the AMP activities especially the Zakat Fund.

The star of the show was our able AMP office coordinator Ms. Rifat Modi who had stated very early during the day and had very efficiently coordinated and managed all the 3 events and she was ably supported by Mr. Abdul Razak for the Job Drive and our other Coordinator Ms. Nausheen for the Anjuman I Islam program. If there were a version of an Indian Super-woman it surely could be Rifat Modi with the form she was displayed on Saturday. Infact her efforts were truly noted by the guest Mr. Abdulla Hasan and he had accolades of appreciation for her.

Mr. Abdulla Hasan's sessions at both the programs were very enriching and the staff and students at Anjuman Khairul Islam, Kurla were very eager to have him visiting their campus again. His session at Anjuman I Islam in the evening was nothing less than extra-ordinary and people present lapped upto his each and every word. It is always an enriching experience to be addressed by personality of his league and such opportunities are very rare. Wherein there are people willing to shell out thousands of rupees to attend such orientation programs just to be able to listen to people of his stature and achievements

Mr. Abdulla Hasan Thakur had already addressed 5 different gatherings earlier across India during his present visit which included top notch educational institutions and leading corporate as well, but was deeply impacted by the program with the students at Anjuman Khairul Islam and was simultaneously very pleased by AMP and was in high appreciation of the kind of activities undertaken by AMP when we got to know about it and when we briefed him about our various projects. Infact he extended his generosity and volunteered himself to be like a Coach and Mentor to AMP to further strengthen the organization.

We are highly grateful to Mr. Abulla Thakur for his generosity and I am sure that with people of his stature backing the organization In?s?allah we can become a more robust group and it will provide further impetus to our activities and progress. 

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