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AMP shortlisted for The Social Media award

Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) shortlisted forThe Prestigious Social Media for Empowerment Awards, 2016

The initiatives, efforts and the good work of Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) has been doing since its inception has been hugely recognized in the social sector. It has not only been nominated for the very prestigious Social Media for Empowerment Awards, 2016 but also it has been shortlisted from amongst 266 strong entries which is by no means a small achievement.

Close on the heels of culmination of a ‘super successful’ 3-day National Social Leadership Summit in Delhi, which AMP had co-organized, the news of AMP emerging as the prominent finalist in the “Community Mobilization” Category has come as a great booster to this dynamic NGO.

The Social Media for Empowerment is a platform for the recognition of social media-driven initiatives taken for the development of masses. It is also an opportunity to meet innovators and social media experts. This initiative not only recognizes and honors best social media initiatives for empowerment but also brings Social Media experts and government agents from 8 South Asian countries on one platform who share their best practices and success stories with participants to inspire them.

The Award is an initiative to discover, recognize and honour the BEST use of ICT and digital tools for development. The Award is less about technology and digital media but more about the right use of digital and technological tools to empower people.

Being shortlisted in the ‘Community Mobilization’ is a great achievement. This category recognizes group and community efforts and initiatives that use various platforms of social media effectively for social and developmental purpose.

As a selected finalist AMP has been invited to speak and present its social media initiative at one of the parallel sessions. It has also been requested to showcase its social media initiative and outcome by displaying posters and through presentations.

The 3rd Social Media for Empowerment Awards & Summit 2016 will be held at a grand gala on March 15th, 2016 at India Habitat Center New Delhi, India.

About Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF):

The New Delhi-based Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) was born out of the deep understanding that marginalized communities living in socio-economic backwardness and information poverty can be empowered to improve their lives almost on their own, simply by providing them access to information and knowledge using digital tools. Over the years, DEF's work has evolved to cover seven programmatic verticals or major work areas. These are (1) Access & Infrastructure, (2) Governance & Services on Demand, (3) Education & Empowerment, (4) Social Sector & CSOs, (5) Markets & Enterprise, (6) Knowledge Network & Database and (7) Advocacy & Research. DEF has initiated several projects under each of these seven major work areas.In 12 years of its existence, DEF has initiated and worked on as many 31 projects with support from the Indian government and the European Union, multilateral agencies such as the UN and UNESCO; global civil society organizations such as the Internet Society (INSOC) and the Public Interest Registry (PIR); private national and international philanthropic foundations such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, Vodafone Foundation, Intel Foundation; and private sector companies such as Intel, Google Inc, Microsoft Inc and many others.DEF today, is one of the world's leading practitioners in the field of Information & Communication Technology for Development (ICTD).


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