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AMP Stars of the Month for December 2022

1. Mr. Syed Faheem-Chennai, Tamilnadu
An entrepreneur who thinks that “profits are better than wages.”

Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) congratulates Mr. Syed Faheem from Chennai, Tamilnadu for his dedication and commitment to AMP. Mr. Syed, head of the Chennai chapter, really worked hard for the NTS promotion. He visited more than 20 schools explaining to the students about NTS. He also visits schools for motivating the children in learning spoken English and test their intelligence.

Mr. Syed says, "Being a commerce graduate, I was very shy and spoke less till I joined AMP. Self-confidence and spoken English are becoming better every day when meeting students, teachers and academicians. Serving the students and schools of the community makes me happier and stronger every day."

Mr. Syed further says that listening to the people who have great feelings about the community and society in this organization makes him feel happy. He Would like to see AMP very soon on top of the horizon of welfare activities inshaAllah!

2. Mrs. Sadiqa Banu-Bangalore, Karnatka
“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work”

Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) congratulates Mrs. Sadiqa Banu from Bangalore, Karnataka for her dedication and commitment to AMP. Mrs. Banu's success in the major participation of schools from Bangalore in NTS, was due to her efforts of visiting schools personally and conducting sessions for highlighting the details about NTS. She also contacted the Head of Institutions of both colleges and schools on phone and not to forget, she also conducted orientation sessions for High school students with a sample question paper.

Mrs. Banu is working as an Assistant Teacher for 10 yrs. and working for AMP since 3 yrs. and serving the community. She has been honoured as the best English teacher by Speaking tree.

She says "Working with AMP gives peace and pleasure because I am serving the community and nation with all my knowledge, I have been trying to please Allah SWT. I want to see AMPians serving the community in the whole universe, Insha’Allah!"

3. Mr. Al Furqan Shah Khan - Rampur, Uttar Pradesh
"We should be more empathetic rather than sympathetic while creating things/institutions."

Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) congratulates Mr. Khan from Rampur, Uttar Pradesh for his dedication and commitment towards AMP. Mr. Khan is a professional social worker with an integrated degree in social work and also varied experience working with the Government of India, various State governments, and National and International organisations.

Rampur chapter has become among the top 10 chapters in the country with respect to NTS-2022 registration.  He has a strong connection with more than 35 institutions in Rampur.

Mr. Khan says "AMP is a strong and effective platform for transforming millions of lives. However, I would be happier to see it strong from both ways- top down and bottom up. I believe the bottom-up needs to be stronger as it gives it more sustainability."

4. Mrs. Iqbal Fatima- Jhalawar, Rajasthan
"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members."

Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) congratulates Mrs. Iqbal from Jhalawar, Rajasthan for her dedication and commitment to AMP. Mrs. Iqbal is an Associate Professor of History at Govt P.G. College, Jhalawar, Rajasthan. Author of 3 books and many research papers she has actively participated in community development programs. She has written research papers on valuable topics on Muslim women.

Mrs. Iqbal helped with the registration of 247 students from schools and colleges for NTS. She personally went to many schools and explained to them about AMP projects

Mrs. Iqbal Fatima says "I would like to see AMP as a big platform for our community development. AMP helps to connect with people who do work for community development."

5. Dr Sayed Shahid Ali - Nagaur, Rajasthan
"And whatever good you do ALLAH knows it." (Holy Quran)

Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) congratulates Dr. Sayed from Chennai, Tamilnadu for his dedication and commitment to AMP. Dr. Sayed has been working as a general dentist and running his clinic for the last 6 years.

Mr. Sayed says as a Chapter Head, I got a chance to promote the National Talent Search exam in Nagaur city. This was the second year of my promotion of NTS. My target was to double the number of registrations from last year. I tried to visit most of the schools and went to classes. I told students about the AMP World app and the benefits of association with AMP. Total registration reached 581. This was the second highest in Rajasthan.

Mr. Sayed says for the NTS exam I met many students and told them about this app and exam. I felt happy interacting with them and most of the students are very optimistic about their education and career though they have limited resources. I always wanted to do something for the community but was not able to do it. AMP is such a perfect platform which gave me a chance to do my bit. AMP will be the biggest organization for Indian Muslims. In the coming years, AMP will reach every Muslim household and will lead Indian Muslims, inshaAllah!

6. Mr. Syed Amir Ali - Amravati, Maharashtra
"Want to build exemplary individuals in the Community to tackle modern challenges"

Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) congratulates Mr. Syed from Amravati, Maharashtra for his dedication and commitment to AMP. Mr. Syed is a consulting Civil Engineer in Amravati Municipal Corporation and a Chapter Secretary of AMP Amravati as well as a Member of KAI Foundation

He says that he likes the professional attitude of the organization and the fact that it benefits the local students of the Chapter.


7. Mr. Rizwan Ansari – AMP Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
“I believe that if we can change our Society, there is only one way, by Education, because better education is the key to success”.

Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) congratulates Mr. Rizwan Ansari from Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh for his dedication and commitment towards AMP. Mr. Ansari has shown immense contribution in promoting National Talent Search 2022.

Mr. Ansari is a social worker by profession and Media/NGO Coordinator in AMP Kanpur Chapter.

He has participated in many AMP activities, promoting AMP’s National Talent Search 2022 in many Schools and Institutes.

Mr. Ansari has received the Star of the Month Award for the month of July 2022. Received Platinum Award for Best Chapter with his AMP team. Maximum number of children from Kanpur have been registered for NTS exam through their team.

Mr. Ansari says "I feel happy when AMP Kanpur helps someone in need and we receive blessings in return."

8. Mrs. Shereen Sultana, Chennai - Tamilnadu.
"Leadership is about making others better as a result of our presence and making sure that impact lasts in our absence"

Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) congratulates Mrs. Shereen Sultana from Chennai, Tamilnadu for her dedication and commitment towards AMP. Mrs. Shereen Sultana is Tamilnadu State secretary.

She worked sincerely in promoting NTS to Chennai schools and colleges. She followed up with Qburst Technology for CSR funds, due to which Rs.13 lakhs were allocated, benefiting 6 Urdu Corporation schools of Chennai. Also, she worked on funding 8 private teachers' salaries of Corporation schools by talking to donors and helping these schools in payment of the concerned teachers' salaries.

Mrs. Shereen Sultana has organised 14 Career guidance seminars including a workshop. She managed to get the AMP MOU signed with one of the top colleges in Tamilnadu with 7500 girl students studying. She got the star of the month award for the beginning of the year 2022.

These are some really great achievements.

Mrs. Shereen Sultana has a 20 years work experience in an American MNC based in Dubai. For past 7 years she is working towards Community development. She joined AMP 3 years ago working as Tamilnadu State secretary.

Mrs. Shereen Sultana says, "MashaAllah 2022 was a year of Achievements. I can vouch that this period of my life is the happiest of all these years of my professional work life. I am in love with AMP, and an everlasting one. I would like to see AMP reaching every corner of this World in my lifetime, InshaAllah.

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