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AMP National Executive Meet on 16th Dec

5000+ Candidates to be placed and 10000+ youths to be skill trained by AMP all over the Country in 2019


We will launch AMP Mentorship Programme to support College going students this year “- Aamir Edresy, AMP President                                 

 Association of Mumbai Professionals (AMP) in its Annual National Executive Meet at Alma Latifi Hall, Saboo Siddik College of Engineering, Byculla, Mumbai, on Sun, 16th Dec 2018, pledged to place more than 5000+ Candidates to be placed and 10000+ youths to be skilled trained by Association of Muslim Professionals all over the Country in 2019.

This meeting was organised to conduct a review of the Organisations’ achievement’s during 2018 vis-à-vis the goals set last year and to plan the activities and projects for 2019. The august gathering consisting of AMP’s newly elected Governing Council members, State Heads, Chapter Heads (National and International) and select invitees deliberated on various points of discussion on how to ensure young professionals take up Community Building and Nation Building.  

Mr. Aamir Edresy while welcoming the participants said “It gives me immense happiness to see that over a short period of 11 years we have made a difference to the lives of about half a million-plus students through Career Guidance and to 15000+ families by placing Candidates in jobs and helping underprivileged with Self-Employment Assistance. We now look forward to making more difference to the Community and Society through our Economic Development Plan through which we will touch the lives of those who are below the poverty line (BPL Families)

Mr. Syed Nashit, Head – National Co-ordination Team, who spoke about the activities done in 2018 mentioned “ This year we placed 1700+ Candidates in Jobs, provided Skill Training to 500+ students and 1500+ benefitted through our Employability Training Programmes. Also, through our Zakat Fund, we provided Higher Education Scholarships to 120+ Students, provided Self Employment Assistance to 80+ needy people and supported 200+ Orphans for Basic Education”

Mr. Razak Shaikh, Governing Council (GC) Member and Head – Projects, who elaborated on the plans for the year 2019 said “We would like to take our activities to larger section of the Community and the Society hence our goal is to increase our activities by 50% and reach 700 schools with Career Guidance Lectures, benefitting 35000+ students. We aim to increase the no. of Higher Education Scholarships to 250, Self-Employment Assistance to 150 needy people and Basic Education Support to 300+ Orphans. We also intend to launch our Mentorship Programme for College going Students through which AMP will support such students who are underserved and less privileged and who could drop out of Education due to lack of guidance and support from their own families.

Mr. Soheb Selia, Governing Council Member and General Secretary presented the financials of the Organisation. He said “It gives me great pleasure and happiness to inform that since last one decade we have always managed to fund AMP’s activities and projects without going to the general public to collect donations. However, since we have scaled up our activities and hired new talents in the past 2 years, we needed to approach the Public in 2018 that too only through our Members and Well-wishers. In the coming year we hope through our members and well-wishers’ support we will be able to achieve our financial goal”.

Mr. Suhel Khandwani, Businessman and Patron Member of AMP addressed the gathering and said “It is very motivating and inspiring to see AMP’s young professionals doing such great service for the Community and the Nation. As a Businessman, I do have the flexibility to devote some time for Social work but the Commitment that I see from these young leaders inspite of their professional lives inspires me to do more.”

Mr. Shabbir Ansari, President & Founder, All India Muslim OBC Organisation and an AMP well-wisher said “I have seen AMP doing its wonderful work from the past few years and I see that their young core- team is so committed to serving the community and the Society. I see them meeting up after their Professional commitments in the evening and discussing ideas to reach out to the underprivileged and the needy.”

At the end of the meeting the following Resolutions were passed enumerating the following activities for the Calendar year 2019.

  • Placing 5000+ Candidates through AMP Job Fairs & Job Drives 

AMP has so far placed 15,000+ candidates by doing 25+ Job Fairs and 250+ Job Drives all over the Country and even abroad. In the 1st Quarter of 2019, AMP has scheduled 5 Job Fairs in different cities all over the Country and the aim to place 5000+ candidates through these during the year.

  • Employability Training Programs (ETP) of 10000+ Students at 100+ Colleges

AMP wants to make a difference to 10000+ final year students across the country by training them for Soft Skills at 100+ Minority managed Institutions so they are able to crack Job interviews faster. It has been decided to also launch an exclusive ETP Campaign on the lines of Interview Crackathon in 10+ States with 25+ Trainers in 50+ Chapters and at 50+ Colleges.

  • 100+ Career Guidance Seminars (CGS) across the country

AMP started Career Guidance Seminars across the Country this year and was able to organise them in 50+ cities and benefit 10000+ students. It has now decided to target 100+ multi-subject CGS in this year and reach out to 20000+ students.

  • Skill Training of 10000 Youths

AMP has started the initiative on Skill Training this year and within a short period of time managed to get 500+ youngsters skill trained by partnering with Furnfirst Global, ICICI Training Academy and others. It has decided to promote this in a big way and set a goal to train 10000+ youths.

  • Formation of AMP Legal Cell

AMP aims to develop Legal acumen for supporting our on-going projects and venturing into newer areas for serving the Community and the Nation. It has been decided that this year AMP will involve some eminent lawyers and launch this cell.

  • Launching of AMP Mentorship Project

The AMP Mentorship project aims to revolutionise the Community’s education and lift the bright but underprivileged students to achieve excellence in life. AMP has decided to identify leaders this year who will come forth and take this most potential project to fruition.

  • Participation of more female Professionals in AMP and its activities

While AMP is growing all over the country and abroad by leaps and bounds, it has decided to appeal to the educated and working sisters to come forward and be a part of the revolution in transforming the community to the kind envisaged by our Nation’s founding fathers. Out of AMP’s Governing Council of 15 members, 6 are females and AMP will have special drive to involve more the Sisters in AMP’s projects and State Executive Bodies.

  • Partnerships and Collaborations

AMP’s important objective is to partner and collaborate with other Social Welfare Organisations, NGOs and Govt. Agencies to take our mission to larger group of Community members and the Society. AMP has already partnered with State Employment depts. of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and UP. It has also partnered with AMU and Hamdard University for Job Fairs and Employment Training Programmes.

  • Economic Development Plan (EDP) for the Community

EDP is the most ambitious project of AMP by far and through this it will reach out to the most underserved and BPL members of the Community. It will lead to financial inclusion and higher standard of living for the marginalized 30% of the Community who are below the poverty line. AMP has been decided to give due focus and importance to this project in the coming year.

  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry

As part of the EDP Project, AMP proposes that the Chamber of Commerce and Industry will serve to bring Muslim Businessmen and Entrepreneurs on one platform so that they form a strong lobby with the Government and its agencies. It will also ensure that through its various initiatives, the members contribute in Community and Nation Building. AMP has decided to either launch its own initiative or partner with an existing Chamber of Commerce to save the lead time of the project

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