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AMP’s National Executive Meet for 2022

More than 100+ delegates from across the country attended AMP’s National Executive Meet for 2022, organised at Integral University, Lucknow!


When we started 14 years back with the urge to serve the community and the nation through Education & Economic empowerment, we knew that we will reach each corner of the Country. Today, we have reached 140 cities of our Country, Alhamdulillah and aspire to each District and Taluka” - Aamir Edresy, President - AMP

Association of Mumbai Professionals (AMP) held its National Executive Meet (NEM) 2022 at Integral University with over 100+ Leaders & Invitees in attendance from all over the Country & Abroad.

This meeting was organised to conduct a review of the Organisations’ achievements during 2021 and to plan the activities and projects for 2022. The gathering consisted of AMP’s national Leadership Team, State Heads, Chapter Heads and select invitees and guests from AMP UP Team.

Day 1:
The inaugural session of the National Executive Meet 2022, was organised at the Central Auditorium of Integral University from 11 am -12.30 pm on Sat, 5th March. The Guests of the day included Chief Guest, Prof. Syed Waseem Akhtar, Hon’ble Chancellor - Integral University and the Presiding Guest, Maulana Khalid Rasheed Farangi Mahali, President - Islamic Centre of India, Aisbagh Eidgah.

Mr. Shoeb Syed, AMP Zonal Head, Central India welcomed the dignitaries on the dais. Mr. Syed, in his inimitable poetic style welcome the two guests as well as Mr. Aamir Edresy, President – AMP and keynote speaker, who according to him never lets his team members become complacent and goads them to higher achievements. Shoeb Syed then invited Mr. Shahanshah Ansari, AMP Founding Member & President – AMP USA for a talk. Mr. Ansari spoke about his association with AMP from its initial days in India & how he went on to work in USA, formed the AMP USA Chapter along with other likeminded professionals and with their help got it registered there.

Mr. Syed then invited Mr. Aamir Edresy, President-AMP, to make the keynote address which was very inspiring. While welcoming the participants, he said “When we started 14 years back with the urge to serve the community and the nation through Education & Economic empowerment, we knew that we will reach each corner of the Country. Today, we have reached 140 cities of our Country, Alhamdulillah and our target for the next 10 years, is to reach each District, City and Taluka. For this, I exhort AMP Leaders to treat AMP on the same priority as their families and jobs, thus each of us should give 30% of time to AMP Projects and Activities so that they reach each needy household of the Country.”

Prof. S. W. Akhtar, Hon’ble Chancellor, Integral University, was then invited to speak. He said that he was very impressed by AMP’s good work all over the country for the progress of the Community. He further added, “Our community should not be the weak link in the chain of progress in the nation.  We should become strong as a community and AMP should ensure that all those needy youngsters who are not able to pursue higher education should be helped with skill training so that they are able to earn the bread for their families and thus contribute to the nation’s growth.

It was then the turn of Presiding Guest for the day, Maulana Khalid Rasheed Farangi Mahali, President, Islamic Centre of India, Aisbagh Eidgah, Lucknow. Maulana Sb. congratulated AMP for achieving so much in a small period of 14 years, which was very inspiring. He went on to say “In this age of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, our community needs to become professional. For this, we have to create more centres of learning, create more entrepreneurs and startups for Community’s progress & prosperity.

The 2 guests were then felicitated by AMP with bouquets and a special memento designed with an elegant frame bearing the Ayah “La Ghalib Illallah!” meaning ‘There is no victor other than Allah’.       

Post lunch, the 1st session was an address by Mr. Razak Shaikh, Head of Projects at AMP on the topic ‘Mission 2022’, which was regarding the project plans for year 2022 and more. This was followed by discussions on ‘Mission 2022’ by NCT Members, including NCT Head, Dr. Zahida Khan, Prof. Syed Khaleel Ahmed, Head - SDP & Professors Connect, Er. Jabir Choksi, Zonal Head – West, and Er. Syed Shoeb, Zonal Head – Central. This was followed by suggestions from AMP State Heads on the 2022 plans.

Further, AMP Central Team members including Mr. Soheb Selia, Gen. Secretary and Mr. Javed Sayed, Finance Secretary addressed the participants on ‘Mission 2022’ and how they would support the same. After that it was the turn of Project Heads to discuss on the same starting with NGO Connect Head, Mr. Farooque Siddiqui, who enumerated the reach of his project and assured that he will try and connect with another 5000 NGOs as envisaged in Mission 2022. As it was evening by then, the 1st day session was brought to a close.

The meeting ended with the delegates enthused by the good words of the esteemed Guests at the inaugural session and looking forward to achieving the high goals set by the Projects Head and Central Team Member, Mr. Razak Shaikh.

The evening continued with visit to Lucknow city including Imambada, Clock Tower (Ghantaghar), and Chowk area for those who wanted to do shopping. Finally, all the participants descended on Tundey’s Kabab outlet in Chowk and ate to their fill the Kababs as

well as Biryani, Alhamdulillah. This was hosted by Dr. Kausar Sahab, one of the most respectable personalities of Lucknow. May Allah Ta’ala bless him with barakahs. Aameen!

Day 2:
On Sun, 6th March, the 2nd day’s session began with quick introductions of all delegates. After this, Aamir Sahab invited the project team members to stage and requested them to talk about Mission 2022 and their inputs.

After this session, Mr. Edresy addressed the delegates with his inputs reg. Mission 2022 as well as the future ahead. He covered the following resolution points;

State & Chapter Teams:

- Creating very strong State and Chapter Teams should be of highest priority this year
- State and Chapters to be given detailed list of Goals and expected KPIs to be achieved in current year
- State and Chapter Performance Evaluation should also happen against the KPIs assigned to them
- Fulfill all responsibilities assigned and be accountable if in Leadership position
- Need to have a Review and Reporting mechanism in place so the performance of State Heads & Chapter Heads is available for review and improvement
- All leaders should read messages shared by the President or Central Team and respond appropriately


Project & State Teams;

- Project and State Teams have to work together in Co-ordination so they can benefit each other
-  All Project and EB Teams are requested to share the Data whenever requested as it is needed for various purposes

Employment Assistance Cell:

- To organise Job Fairs in all the Major (Tier 1) Cities of India. Each State should divide among the various City chapters the target given to it
- To do Employability Training Program for the final year Students of atleast 500 Colleges impacting 50K Students

School Development Program:

  • Should hold Teacher’s training & Parenting workshops in absence of SDPs due to Schools working online


  • For Partnerships project we need to sign MOU with 500 institutions. Need to tie-up Govt. bodies and departments, we need to find the right point of contact and then engage with them for various projects like Job Fairs, ETPs, SDPs, Skill Training etc.

Angel Campaign:

  • There should be an Angel Donor’s dashboard on AMP Website, where State/Chapter Heads can check the status of donations



- We need to connect with all the 40K+ individuals who are associated with AMP in various capacities as Members, Donors, Volunteers or Interns
- Need to connect and bring new people into AMP fold if we have to reachout to more and more needy people


Team Building:

  • We need to develop Team Building and Leadership Development Programs

AMP Schools Project:

- For Business as well Social Service and Community Service. To start with, there will be Rs. 5 lacs investment. Starting with immediate goal of 50 Schools this year, the long-term goal is to establish 1000 schools.



  • For TheIndiaMentors.com, we need a new technology partner as the platform was not stable earlier. We need to increase registration of Mentors and Mentees. Each AMP member should register and mentor 5 mentees

Entrepreneurship & Startups:

  • AMP would be starting work on Entrepreneurship Projects, wherein free or paid memberships will be available

ChAMPian App:

  • ChAMPian App Project: The logo as well as Trademark registration needs to be done


Recruitment Policy:

- AMP should have a Recruitment & Employment policy
- There should be Induction & Training policy for new joinees

After Mr. Edresy ended his address, it was time for AMP Annual Awards, honouring individual, chapter and state performers. There was a great excitement and around 45 awards were given. Some of the top awards announced were as follows;

Best State of the year: Uttar Pradesh
Best National Chapter: Jaipur, Rajasthan
Best International Chapter: KSA ( Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
Exemplary leader of the year: Syed Shoeb
Face of the year: Prof. Syed Khaleel Ahmed

Please click on the link below to see all the winners;

Subsequent to the awards, the partcipants were invited to share their thoughts and suggestions for improving the reach of AMP Projects and Teams. Close to 10 delegates gave their valuable suggestions on various aspects.

Finally, it was time for the meeting to end after all the deliberations. All the delegates parted with strong pledge to take the wonderful work done by AMP in the Community and the Society, thus helping in Nation’s Development.

The Lucknow Chapter team played an important role in making the event a great success, with each team member playing their role to perfection. Participants said this National Meet would be remembered for a long time to come.

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