Objectives of Code of Conduct and Ethics |
AMP's Code of conduct and ethics shall provide every member with a framework of ethical principles, obligations and standards that shall guide them in the process of activities. |
These Code of Conduct and Ethics shall be binding on all members equally regardless of their position in the organization. |
The Code does not attempt to provide a detailed and exhaustive list of dos and don’ts in every aspect of your work. Instead, the Code represents a broad framework for ethical conduct. |
Every member of AMP shall acknowledge, accept, and profess to abide by these Code of Conduct and Ethics. |
A failure in observance of these Code by any member shall give arise to "Breach of Code of conducts and Ethics" and shall attract penalty under the same. |
Code of Conduct and Ethics |
Members should give high priority to self-service and social development activities. Matters in the interest of public shall be protected and preserved. |
As long as membership of a member is in an active state, member shall endeavor to keep himself/herself informed regarding the change in AMP’s goal and objectives. |
Members' shall be truthful in all their activities and refrain from practices that undermine the moral and ethical integrity of the organization. |
They shall not carry out or participate or propagate any activity, idea or view in the public, which are contrary to the aims, objectives and activities and the principles of the organization and do not act against the interest of the organization. |
A member shall do nothing to undermine, detract from, or otherwise cause damage to their membership or representation of AMP. |
A court finding, under any Indian or foreign law, or a finding under customary law of a violent criminal offence or a criminal offence involving any illegal activity shall lead to termination of membership of the concerned member. |
Members' honesty and impartiality, when at work, shall be above suspicion. They shall not place themselves in situations where they are obligated to any person who might benefit from or seek to gain special consideration or favor. |
Members shall maintain the confidence of public in AMP by discharging their responsibilities in a proper manner and shall not compromise or undermine the image of AMP by their conduct. |
Members at any stage, while working under AMP, shall not give preferential treatment to relatives or friends or to any organization in which they or their relatives or friends have any kind of interest other than the interest of AMP. |
No member shall take any financial (monetary or otherwise) help to fulfill personal motives and objectives on pretext of AMP activities, from direct contact or co-ordination with any foreign person or organization. |
Cash or facilities beyond that mentioned in the organization's policy or approved by AMP's higher authority shall not be used according to personal desire of a member. |
Members shall give professional ethics and behavior high priority. |
Members of AMP shall express their opinion without causing harm to the main objective of the organization and at the same time, such expressions shall not be intimidating to others. |
Members shall work in a cooperative and respectful manner with other members of AMP, staff and volunteers of the organization and other organizations and individuals. |
Members shall act and conduct their private affairs in such a manner as to not create any conflicts of interest or perceived conflicts of interest. AMP's interest shall be honored above all personal interest of members, binding every member to work in the best interest of AMP. |
Members shall be bind ethically and shall be legally responsible to protect AMP's confidential and proprietary information. They shall communicate it only when needed for AMP's benefit. They shall not use this information for their personal objectives or for any other organization. They shall maintain the confidentiality of the information even after terminating from membership of AMP. |
Members shall utilize all the resources and privileges available to AMP in order to meet AMP's mission and objectives. They shall make an effort to raise and accept funds from sources whose aims are consistent with AMPs mission, objectives and capacity which do not undermine AMPs independence and identity. |
Members shall make an effort to work hard, individually and in a team within the ambits of existing rules, agreements, policies and demonstrate a high level of integrity and efficiency in order to achieve AMPs goals and objectives. |
Breach of Code of Conduct and Ethics |
Members of AMP shall be accountable for their actions while in membership with AMP. Consequences of inappropriate behavior and breaches of the Code shall result in disciplinary action, up to and including the revocation of membership. |
A minor breach of the Code shall be dealt with AMPs higher authorities' correction and guidance. Similarly, a breach of this Code of Conduct shall not incur a disciplinary penalty if there is a reasonable excuse for the breach. The justification of the circumstances shall however rest with AMPs higher authorities. |
Proven breaches of the code shall attract disciplinary penalties like:
These penalties shall be however in addition to any penalty issued by a Court of law for a breach of the general law.
My name is Rahil. Though belonging to a very humble household where we could barely make ends meet I always had big aspirations. I am pursuing my B.E. in Mechanical Engg. from AIKTC School of Engineering and Technology, New Panvel. However like all good things, Education also comes with an ... Read more
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