+91-7303116060      info@ampindia.org



AMP WebTalk

Today everyone is familiar with digital technologies in their everyday lives. AMP is using them to support the working professionals and everyone who is looking for the right direction or guidance. AMP is engaging with digital tools to provide an essential part of professional support.

AMP WebTalk is a live, virtual event that is executed online. It is an educational or instructive session that includes audio and visual communication between a speaker and attendees. AMP WebTalks enables the sharing of slides and interactive participation through  Q&A features.

There is a lot of potential in every individual, but due to lack of counseling or lack of understanding people who have potential in them miss on the opportunities which can enhance and thus change their lives for the better. AMP WebTalk will give an opportunity for every individual to grow professionally and lead a good life.

AMP organizes sessions by highly qualified Professionals and Experts in a particular field to share their learnings & viewpoints to guide not only youths but everyone with their own life’s experiences. 

What if you miss out on our LIVE WebTalk…???

Do Not Worry… AMP Will record all the LIVE WebTalk and upload them on our Website for you so that you do not miss out on the opportunities again.


You want to make a difference in your lives…. We at AMP will make it easier for You!!!


Upcoming WebTalk - Kindly get all the updates & register using the below link for our upcoming webinars



Past WebTalk: To watch our past WebTalks Please click the link below



Speaker Nomination: If you know about a Speaker who could contribute towards bringing a change in the society, kindly nominate them using the below link


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