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AMP Chapter Events Form

Mashallah! the count of events (SDLs, Parenting & Teacher's Workshop, Special Lectures, Etc.) conducted across Chapters has increased tremendously in last few months. Henceforth, AMP has decided to keep a record of all the events that will be conducted in the year 2022 on a click. 

The intention of the AMP Chapter Events Form is to make sure that we do not miss out on any event that is been conducted. All the event details are collected in one place to ensure smooth running of the process is carried forward.

We request all the Chapter Heads to kindly Update the details of the Event that has been conducted in their Chapter using the below link from March 2022.

NOTE - Only Details captured in the form will be mentioned on Social Media and  AMP Monthly Newsletter. Update needs to be done by latest 30th of every month.

We hope that you all will co-operate and provide your help & support like always.


Fill The Chapter Events Form Here





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