AMP stands as one of those very few organizations and the only platform of Educated Muslim Youth & well-established professionals created with the purpose of giving back to the community. It utilizes the knowledge, intellect, experience and skills of these professionals for the educational and intellectual development of the community more so the weaker sections and strives to create an environment to ensure our youngster have equal stake in the development of our community, the society & our country.
Inform your friends about AMP so that they can also be a part of this great platform.
Keep yourself updated about all the AMP Activities so that you can contribute wherever you can.
Ration Kits Distribution during #Covid
ETV Bharat - 11 May, 2021
AMP Provides Education Scholarships for 100 Covid-19 Orphans
The Times of India - 1 Sep, 2021
Charity in Ramzan, goes online to uplift the needy
The Times of India - 18 Mar, 2024
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