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Eid ul Fitr 2015


Wish you Eid Mubarak and pray that Allah Grant you and your loved ones Happiness and Prosperity on this Blessed Day and for the Years to come. May Allah (Subhanallaha-wa-ta'ala) accept our Fasting, Prayers, charities and other good deeds done Only to seek His pleasure.

On behalf of AMP Governing Council and entire AMP Team on the occasion of Eid ul fitr, I express its greeting and best wishes to the Muslim community in India and around the world. We also express our profound gratitude to our supporters, our donors of Zakat Fund, Friends and Well wishers!!!

On this auspicious occasion let us share a message of love, unity and universal brotherhood with peace. While celebrating the festival of Eid we must not forget people of Palestine who are fighting for their mother land. On the eve the Eid festivals we must also keep in mind our brothers and sisters who are oppressed, disadvantaged, and suffering particularly in India and all over the world. We can bring smiles to their faces through raising our voice and expressing our sentiments of love and solidarity.

Let's celebrate this Eid with great pledge to humanity and with an expression of always be courageous as we were and are. Let’s not lose hope and strengthen ourselves to stand tall apart all the repression, discrimination posed by the fascists forces.

Let's make the world clear that we are one and will continue to be united forever with passion of universal brotherhood irrespective of regional boundaries.

Resistance against all evils forces for the cause of Peace, forgiveness and unity for universal brotherhood are the spirit of Eid. I wish you all a very happy and peaceful Eid ul Fitr. Eid Mubarak.

Aamir Edresy
President, Association of Muslim Professionals


AMP President's Message on the auspicious occasion of Eid

Dear Friends and AMP Family Members

Assalam –o- Alikum!!!

Taqaballahu Minna Wa Minkum Siyamana wa Qiyaman wa Salih Amalina
(May Allah accept it from US and from YOU our Fasting, Our Prayers and Our Good deeds)

We bid farewell to the blessed month of Ramadan, a month that brought us closer to God and uplifted our spirituality; a month that unites the Muslim ummah in fasting and prayers; a month that made our hearts tender towards our fellow human beings; a month of forgiveness; a month that reminds us of those less fortunate than ourselves; a month of reflection.

As we bid farewell to the holy month of Ramadan, on behalf of the Governing Council Members of AMP, I would like to wish all of you a blessed and joyous Eid ul-Fitr. We sincerely pray that Allah (SWT) will accept our worship, our prayers, and our fasting and shower us with His peace, mercy, and blessings on this happy occasion of Eid ul-Fitr.

The essence of Ramadan is to become humble, simple and free from ill-will, anger, meanness and hate. In the spirit of Ramadan, I pray that Ramadan gets into our hearts and minds and make us embrace all factions of Muslims without undermining their tradition and further pray that we treat every human on the earth with dignity, respect and care.

That is indeed the wisdom expressed in Qur'an, Al-Hujurat, Surah 49:13: "O mankind! We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. The noblest of you, in sight of God, is the best in conduct. God Knows and is Aware of everything you do."

Let’s not forget to pray for and remember those less fortunate than ourselves on this auspicious day. Let us also not forget to pray for those who cannot celebrate Eid because they are under occupation, illegal arrests or in refugee camps or are under dictatorial rulers.

On this auspicious day let us pledge to create an inner environment of peace and faith, of tranquility, non-violence, and security. Then we can hope to find solidarity and to create cooperation by supporting one another, standing by one another in what is good and right and needed for success, growth, and sustainability. We are to let everyone know the true basis of Islam, its real values, its true principles, its way of life based on pluralism, democratic principles, faith, and mutual respect.

At this blessed moment, I would also like to thank each and every one of you for participating in our Ramadan program and contributing to its growth and success. Indeed, it was a beautiful sight to see the community coming closer and bonding together. Looking forward for same kind of support and participation in all AMP Projects focused on Education, Employment, Social, Cultural and Political empowerment of Muslims.

Once again wishing you a very Happy and Joyous Eid. This Eid let us make a pledge to establish Brotherhood, Harmony and Peace and lets Progress together to make a stronger, better and prosperous Community and Nation.



Aamir Idrisi
President,Association of Muslim Professionals
info@ampindia.org | www.ampindia.org 
Cell: +91 9323792205 | Email: aamir.edresy@gmail.com


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